They don't celebrate Father's Day in Germany. I have to rely upon the Internet to keep me up to date on such things. Juergen is actually in North Germany helping his dad celebrate Ricard's 80Th birthday. I guess that's a pretty appropriate way to be spending fathers day. I don't have words to express the love I have for the father of my children. I'm sure there are many great fathers in this world but I am most definitely married to one of the very best dads! I'm not going to make you sick with the details...the list would be way too long. He is the greatest gift (apart from salvation) God has ever given me. He is so good to me and to the kids. I love him and I thank God for him! He's going to kill me for posting the swim suit pictures. I think he looks pretty good for a man pushing 50!!! I love you Juergen, happy father's day!