Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sam is doing great!

Mary & Doug's new son Sam is doing very good. Today was "gotcha" day in Nanjing. I'm so happy for them! Praise God a son!
LWB is again number one in the facebook challenge! I knew the adoption community was going to come through for them. Thank you so much if you have made a donation! If they win the $50,000 grand prize, 10 children will receive life saving heart surgery! This is so great!!!I know they will win...we will all be part of this very sweet miracle!
I found out that the very lovely 10 year old a few posts back is in foster care. She is very healthy, smart, loves music, is very good with younger kids, helpful and neat. In fact her whole profile was very positive. She sounds like the perfect daughter. She lives in Beijing. Whoever adopted her would need to spend a whole week in Beijing (poor family...The Great Wall, The Summer Palace, and The Forbidden city...poor family)! I think the biggest problem the family is going to have with her is beating the boys away! She is so beautiful!!!