It looked like LWB would win today's face book challenge easy! Well, they lost it by 2 donors. If 3 people more had donated just $10 each LWB would have another $1000 in their account. Everyone can only donate one time or I would have donated again. Anyway, that is the bad news. The good news is LWB is in the lead to win the grand prize of $50,000. Still, there are 30 days remaining and this could easily change. We need more people donating money. So far only 293 people have donated money to LWB. There are thousands of people out there who care about meeting the medical, educational and nutritional needs of orphans in China. We only needed 3 more donors today to win an extra $1000. Oh well, that is water under the bridge. Please help LWB win the $50,000. Please send your donation to the LWB face book challenge.LWB's big saying is "every child counts". I'm telling you every donor counts. Every donor helps them secure the grand prize, a prize that could make a very big difference for the kids!