Saturday, January 31, 2009

Waiting for hope

These are just two of the many children around the world waiting for a family. I saw these two on Rainbow kids. I actually found Philip on the rainbow kids photo list almost 9 years ago. Sometimes one photo is all it takes to get you to move heaven and earth. You see their face, and you make a choice to do all that it takes to make sure this one will have hope. Adoption does not just happen. You need to exercise a great deal of effort to adopt. But when you see the face of a waiting child( a child you have decided to parent) you do not rest easy until they are home.

Great TV Ad

I often wondered what choice Obamas mom would have made if abortion was legal in 1961? Be sure and contact your congress person and senator to vote no when the freedom of choice act comes up for a vote. The Freedom of choice Act will eliminate all common sense laws that regulate abortion (stuff like a 48 hour cooling off period, counseling, and parental consent). It will also mandate federal funding for abortion. Think of all the potential we lose each year (1.3 million abortions in the US every year). We need to stop this craziness. We do not need more abortion, we need more value of life. We need to help single moms, and promote adoption.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Homemade egg rolls

We made egg rolls or the Chinese New Years. All the kids helped me cook and chop the filling. You can find the recipe on our Hungry for Love cookbook blog. If you have a simple family dish you would like to share, leave me a comment on Hungry or love.

Gung Hay Fat Choy

Happy Chinese New Years! We have no local Chinese friends. No other adopted families to celebrate this special event with. That kind of makes me sad. Germany does not allow Chinese adoption. Sarah has Asian brothers from Thailand, but no Chinese friends. We did make chicken wings for dinner yesterday. Today I'm making egg rolls. Sarah loves China. She talks about China as if it was her birth mother.
So many of you will be traveling to China in this New Year. This is your year! I'm so happy to view your joy from afar! Happy, Happy New Year! Gods health, healing, provision, courage and help to you!

adoption from Liberia

I read the following from Angels' haven Outreach ...

Liberia is a very poor, war torn, country off the West Coast of Africa. As is typical during times of civil unrest, children are often left orphaned or abandoned while the country lacks the financial means to care for them. As a result, many, many beautiful Liberian children are in great need of loving adoptive families.

This country is truly a mix of African-American culture. It was founded in 1816 and is the only country in Africa colonized by America. English is the official language; they have a similar flag, constitution, and national anthem as the United States. At the same time, they also have 16 local tribes with their own unique customs and dialects.

The situation in the African countries is always fluid which makes a time frame difficult to predict. In a normal situation (assuming there are no unusual issues) the process can take anywhere from 4 to 8 months to complete, once the dossier is submitted.

The requirements for the adoptive families are fairly relaxed, with flexibility in age of the adoptive parents, family size and financial resources. Children of all ages are in need of families, and while infants are sometimes available, families should be open to accepting a child closer to two years of age.

The adoptions are finalized abroad, via proxy, so the children may be escorted. While this means families are not required to travel, it also means the adoptions are final without parents seeing the child prior to the adoption taking place, so the child will need to be re-adopted once they come home. Families entering into the Liberian program must agree to provide post placement reports. These reports are required annually until the child is 18 years of age.

Most often the children live in a family type setting; with older children caring for younger children (this creates a healthier atmosphere for lessening the risk of bonding issues). Still, the conditions are beyond poor, with no electricity or running water. The children are culturally deprived; they have no access to a television and often have never been in an automobile. They also have a very limited diet of rice, cornmeal and soup. The children are tested for HIV and Hepatitis B. Still, families should anticipate that the children are likely to be malnourished, and have lice, scabies, worms and/or parasites.

On the CIA Fact sheet it says life expectancy is only 39 for men, and 42 for women. The average person in liberia makes only $500 per year. This 3 year old girl is healthy and listed on rainbow kids.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Love comes to those who believe

“Love comes to those who still hope even though they've been disappointed, to those who still believe even though they've been betrayed, to those who still love even though they've been hurt before.”

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Please pray

I can hear Nicole cooking with Sarah down stairs. The boys are at a birthday party. I thought Sarah would be awful because the boys got to go. Instead she is very happy with her big sister. It is sweet.
As I am checking on other blogs I read some very sad news. Lydia's treatment has failed. There is nothing more they can do for her. She is an extremely gifted and beautiful girl who was adopted from China. Please be praying for her and for her family. Do not complain about the stress your children may give you, hold them tight. Hold them tight.

Friday, January 23, 2009

I am pro adoption because I was first pro life

As many of you know, I was pro life in College. When I was a student at the University I would give speeches on the right to life. And it was during this time I decided as mother Teresa said, "If you do do not want your babies, give them to me". All life has value. everyone of us is a special gift from God. Each one of is worth fighting for. Our new President does not share my beliefs. He will expand abortion in America. But many people stand on the side of life. He can not pass the Freedom of choice Act alone. Now is the time to write you Congress person, and Senators'. Do not wait until it is too late. Tell them no to taking away the parental consent laws, say no to federally funded abortion, say no to UN funded abortion! Do not just sit there and think you have no power. Now is the time to shout no! No way! No How! We will not allow more abortion..the increase of abortion. Now is the time to turn the page, now is the time to choose to love the unborn and not continue to kill it! HERE is an article from CNN about the pro life March yesterday (The 36TH Anniversary of Roe-v-Wade). Obama said again he will try to pass the Freedom of choice act. There are creative ideas to lower abortion, for example...
Rep. Jean Schmidt, R-Ohio, told the crowd she plans to introduce what she calls the "Juno Bill," referencing the hit 2008 film of the same title in which a high school teenager gives her baby up for adoption.

"It will provide a tax credit to those women, just as we allow abortions to be tax deductible, it will provide a tax credit so that they can carry out their pregnancy, give that baby to a loving arm and not have to worry about the consequences or the costs involved," she said.

You can not be just pro life people, you need to be pro adoption. And if we ask women to give birth to children they know they can not raise, we need to step up to adopt those children.

HERE is how to Write Your Representative and HERE is your Senators. Do it today!

What a beautiful girl! She is wearing a butterfly dress

Jesus loves the little children...all the children of the world

“What if what we see isn't the truth, and only color-blind people see what's really there?”

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The most beautiful adoption video

HERE is a family blog that has the most beautiful Ethiopian Adoption video. It is a little long 14 mins. Still it is worth a look. They met the birth mother of their two beautiful children before she passed away. Very touching. What beautiful happy children. You will fall in love with Ethiopia!

Ask the Transracial Parenting Expert: Becoming a Multicultural Family

Here is a story from Adoptive Families magazine.

Gobena Coffee

Gobena Coffee offers fresh-roasted gourmet fair trade, organic, shade-grown coffee delivered right to your door.

In addition to experiencing the finest and freshest coffee, with each order placed, you are helping children throughout the world. 100% of the profits are being reinvested in the lives of orphan children through charity programs.

This is what the owners of the Gobena Coffee Company wrote about themselves...

"In the summer of 2007, we traveled to Ethiopia to adopt our little girl. When we were there, the contrast in cultures was amazing. Most Ethiopians were not wealthy, but were rich in their sense of community and closeness of their relationships.

Gobena, was 71 years old, when he found a baby girl placed in the yard near his home. "Because she is God's soul," Gobena and his wife, Mulunesh, took care of the baby girl for 20 days. Then they placed her for adoption to be in a family who can take care of her long-term. This little girl is now a permanent part of our family. She is truly a blessing from God, and always will be a reminder that there is always hope, as long as there are people who care enough.

Their sense of community and caring for others has inspired us to start this ministry where 100% of the net profits are reinvested in the lives of orphan children throughout the world. Each time you purchase a bag of coffee, you are providing hope and life to children who do not have parents caring for them."

So maybe you can buy some of their coffee for yourself or as a gift? The money goes to care for the kids in the video below.

Momma's Darlins: Chinese New Year Doll giveaway!

Momma's Darlins: Chinese New Year Doll giveaway!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

36 years ago tomorrow

Abortion was made legal in the USA 36 years ago tomorrow. Since then as many as 50 million babies lost their most basic right...the right to live. HERE is a wish list given to our new President by 60 pro abortion organizations. It is the desire of this administration to remove all restrictions on what they call reproductive choice. The wish does not just include funding for US abortions, but funding for UN abortions. So America will give money to the UN. The UN will give that money to China, and China will force it's women to abort its babies to control the population. Why figure out how to feed the worlds growing population? Abortion is so much easier. After all, we need our corn to feed our cars! As you can tell I am worried. I think I cry every January because abortion still continues to be acceptable in America. I adopt because I believe all life has value. I guess the question I have for you is why do we just accept this? If the Freedom of Choice Act passes, they expect abortion to increase by at least 125,000 per year. That is just the tip of the ice berg. How can we be so quite?

Back to work!

I know so many people around the world are so happy we have a new president. I am holding my breath and hoping he does not keep his promise to pass the freedom of choice act. Maybe it was just one of many promises he will not keep...but maybe it is a promise he will try to keep. The sight of millions of people on the Washington Mall was a great sight. That's how many Americans are missing each year because of abortion. How can we just let this keep happening?

Ethiopian names

I found this website that explains a little about the importance of names in Ethiopia. It's an Australian adoption site. I thought this was interesting...

"Heritage is very important and traditionally a child grows up to know at least 7 generations of his / her ancestors. For example a child named Abraham Alemayehu Zerihun carries 3 generations of names, his own (Abraham), his father's (Alemayehu) and his grandfather's (Zerihun).

Why are children named like this?

One reason is that many people have the same first name so the father's name identifies them like the English "Robert - son" = Robertson.

The grandfather's name adds to this and also shows heritage which is important in determining status - the more names you know the higher your status in the community.

Another reason for naming children this way is that when Ethiopian men plan to marry, traditionally they send a delegation of 6 elders to the girl's family to negotiate the marriage. This negotiation includes determining if the bride and groom are related. Both families must provide the male lines of both sets of parents back 7 generations. Therefore, it is the names that are handed down through the generations that are the evidence of their family line."

Imagine having 6 elders come to your house to negotiate a marriage? Maybe there would be fewer divorces if there was more negotiations?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New book you can pre order

HERE is a new book you can pre order. It was written by a women who has adopted a large number of kids. I love Mary's blog. I'm sure I'm going to love her book too! It's called a sane womans guide to raising a large famly. She seems to do it very well...I'm taking notes!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cook book contest

Last night I was tired and hungry for something warm, fast, and good. I ended up making French toast. I used wheat toast, and low fat milk, and topped it with cherry yogurt. It took less then 10 minutes to make, and cost about $5.00 to feed my hungry family of 7. Then I though I need a cookbook of fast easy, good tasting, cheap, and healthy dishes to feed my family with. Not fancy food...everyday food. I should run a cooking contest! So this is what I am going to do. I set up a new blog. It is called "Hungry for love cookbook". I will run a contest for the next 12 months. You send me your best family dishes. My family will test them. I'll post what I cook on the blog. Each month I will buy a prize. The 12 prizes will go to the best recipe (as judged by my family). The winner will take all 12 prizes. Then I will publish a book with the very best family recipes. I also want to highlight adoption in this book. I want to put photos and profiles of adopted families in the book. Oh, the profits from the book will feed orphans. So this contest is only open to families that have adopted, or plan to adopt. HERE is the blog. Please send me your recipes by commenting on the new blog and tell your friends. I'm sure I'm not the only one that needs some good ideas about what to cook.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

children need an education

AAI has babies

AAI in Washington State is my favorite agency. They run orphanages in Ethiopia we have supported for years. I just got their news letter. Right now they have many new babies - 63 babies. With so many new babies comes about 8 bottles per day each child. They also have laundry like I can not even imagine. Most of these babies already have waiting families. But the process to get the paperwork done takes time. They figure it will cost more to take care of these babies then they will get back in adoption fees. They need help. If you would like to help AAI care for these waiting infants (most have been given up because Ethiopia has experienced a great Famine this past year) please donate what you can. I know many people can not adopt, but everyone can help care for orphans. And if you are interested in adopting an infant from Ethiopia, now might be a good time to contact the wonderful people at AAI. By Ethiopian law you must be 25 years old to adopt, and no more then 45 years older then your child. So for Juergen and I we must adopt a 4 year old or older. I actually would like a 5 or 6 year old.

Don't cry over spilled milk

If you have read my blog for awhile, you know Sarah use to cry for hours when she first came home. She has a will of steel. This morning Nicole made herself a glass of chocolate milk. Sarah wanted some too. The problem is we are out of Sarah's milk. We actually have to buy 3 different kinds of milk at our house. Cow's milk for Nicole, Lactose free cows milk for Sarah and Thomas, and goats milk for Jessica and Phillip. I have the normal cow milk and goats milk but being the awful mommy that I am (unforgiveable) I am out of lactose free milk. So Sarah has been crying for the past 45 minutes. We told her we would go get more milk later. Not good enough. She is putting on this big dramatic show. She doesn't do it nearly as well as she use to. She is way out of practice. And poor girl, she gets no respect at all. no one is listening to her. We said later and we meant later. I still don't negotiate with terrorists!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Hope for ethiopian kids

HERE is a video about Hannah's Hope in Ethiopia. This is a childrens home run by All God's children. They have many waiting kids available for adoption. It looks like a pretty good organization.

I'm THE big fat Panda

I was just watching the DVD Kung Fu Panda with Sarah. afterwards Sarah was doing some of her best Kung Fu moves. I asked her what character she was from the movie. She said she was the tiger. I said yes, you are a tiger. Then I asked her who she though I was. She said I was the Panda. I said no, I am "THE Big Fat Panda". But Panda was the dragon slayer! He was the best! So I might be the fat one, but I'm the best!!!

Waiting babies from Ethiopia

I just joined a yahoo group for families interested in Ethiopian adoption. Someone just posted about a number of waiting babies (under the age of two) available in Ethiopia. They are all listed on Rainbow Kids with International Adoption Guides. You need to be American and under the age of 46 (yes I am too old) to adopt one of these little ones. They have boys and girls.

International Adoption Guides
PO Box 147
Belmont, North Carolina


HERE is the web site.
Hope for a better world.